books · June 1, 2021

piquiá | 2002

20 x 20 | paperback | 40 pages
ALBUQUERQUE, D’Arcy. (2002) Piquiá. Belém: Embrapa Eastern Amazon.
work done: writing, illustration & graphic project

Taking the Piquiá tree as an example, this book explains the relationships between man kind, animals and plants, showing the importance of conserving the forest. It was developed as part of the Dendrogene Project1 (2000-2004). Aimed at children and adolescents, this book was distributed in schools of the official system of Pará. It was the first title published in the framework of the project. The second, called Polinizadores (Pollinators), came out in 2004.

1. Hosted at the Embrapa Eastern Amazon research station in Belém, Pará, Brazil, the Dendrogene Project depended on a multidisciplinary approach and multi-institutional participation. The Department for International Development (DFID) of the United Kingdom supported the project (2000 to 2004) through the Brazil-United Kingdom Technical Assistance Programme. Many of the initiatives in Dendrogene were based on earlier activities in the Rainforest Silviculture Research Project (1993 to 1998), also supported by DFID.

Milton Kanashiro & others

About the illustration

The set of illustrations includes several traditional techniques such as: pastel, colored pencils and watercolor. The white of the paper was incorporated as an element of composition through the arrangement of free images over the area of the double pages, avoiding the establishment of tight boundaries. The watercolor is associated with other techniques, giving them unity and lightness.